L-Atur Generative Design L-Systems Based Web Application: New Challenges and Novel Application Horizons

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Visual Arts, University of Art, Tehran, Iran


L-Atur is a web application with the essence of human and machine collaboration that assists users who don't have coding or design skills to generate their customized products. We noticed that our previous version only supported small-scale designs properly, and the generated shapes didn't provide enough visual complexity for large-scale results. In this paper, we improved the supported grammatical properties in order to expand design variations. We offered random and specified color choices, variable line thickness, and multi-rule L-systems grammars as the new options for the current version of L-Atur. We also provided an in-depth analysis of how these new suggested properties can have fundamental impacts on the generated designs visually. We also discussed grammatical evolution as a solution to improve grammatical diversity by using machine-generated ones. As a result, the current version can cover broadened design aspects ranging from small-scale products to large ones with diverse levels of complexity and a high level of visual novelty.


Main Subjects

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